
Bovine Colostrum: Questions & Answers

On this page we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answered them in a concise and scientifically well-founded manner.

Bovine Colostrum: Questions & Answers

On this page we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answered them in a concise and scientifically well-founded manner.





Who should take Colostrum?

For whom the intake of colostrum as a food supplement is suitable and what restrictions may apply, read here.

Why doesn’t every doctor recommend bovine colostrum if it has such a great effect?2022-06-30T11:44:59+01:00

Not all doctors are open-minded enough to suggest naturopathic methods in the treatment of their patients as part of their practice. However, more and more doctors are now using bovine colostrum as an adjunct to therapy and recommend the natural product for prevention or prophylaxis, as well as to benefit physical well-being in general.

Liquid colostrum or bovine colostrum capsules – which is better?2022-06-30T11:41:14+01:00

Due to minimal processing and the resulting higher degree of naturalness, many people opt for the somewhat more efficient, liquid variant. That being said, bovine colostrum in capsule form is also produced by extremely gentle processing using microfiltration and freeze-drying. It’s characterised by more practical handling and a significantly longer shelf life. Liquid bovine colostrum, on the other hand, should be refrigerated after opening and consumed within 14 days. For both forms, experts recommend that the raw material be obtained from controlled organic animal husbandry (organic) in order to completely exclude contamination with antibiotics or hormones. So the answer to this question is ultimately up to each individual person.

Why should I not take bovine colostrum with hot drinks?2022-06-30T11:41:18+01:00

Many of the vital substances contained are extremely sensitive to temperature and can be damaged or even become ineffective from a heat development of >42 °C. However, the acidity of fruit juices does not affect the ingredients – so liquid bovine colostrum may be mixed with a glass of water, milk or fruit juice and be taken without any problems.

When is the best time to take bovine colostrum?2022-06-30T11:41:24+01:00

Bovine colostrum products are best taken on an empty stomach before a meal, but there is nothing to be said against taking them throughout the day. It’s important not to take bovine colostrum together with hot food or drinks to avoid damaging the sensitive proteins (immunoglobulins).

What is the best dose of bovine colostrum to take?2022-06-30T11:41:27+01:00

Since bovine colostrum is an approved foodstuff and not a medicine, the consumer does not have to worry about overdosing. However, the amount taken should be based on body weight or the respective area of application. Furthermore, it does make a difference whether the bovine colostrum is in liquid or dry form (capsules, powder, etc.). For liquid bovine colostrum, a daily amount of 1 tablespoon per 30 kg body weight is recommended. When taken regularly for prophylactic purposes, many experts recommend one capsule daily per 25 kg of body weight.

Can I also take bovine colostrum over the long term?2022-06-30T11:41:31+01:00

Bovine colostrum is an approved foodstuff in Germany and can therefore also be taken on a long-term basis. If you take bovine colostrum over the long term, you should make sure the products you take are also of high quality. It’s best to use products that consist of 100% colostrum and do not contain any additives. This is why when deciding on a colostrum product, be sure to check the list of ingredients and the origin – the safest products here are those obtained from certified organic animal husbandry (organic).

How does Colostrum work?

Find out here in which areas colostrum is beneficial for your health and whether there can also be side effects.

I’ve heard that immunoglobulins obtained from other sources (e.g. blood plasma) are added to colostrum products with an immunoglobulin content of over 35% IgG. Do I have reason to be sceptical about products with a higher immunoglobulin content?2022-06-30T11:41:36+01:00

Colostrum is special precisely because it naturally contains many times more immunoglobulins than human breast milk, for example. High-quality products made from colostrum are processed gently and contain at least 50 % immunoglobulins as dry powder and at least 45 g immunoglobulins per litre as liquid extract. This applies to products where the raw material was obtained from the first two milkings after calving. Colostrum products with lower immunoglobulin levels, on the other hand, are obtained from later milkings. The subsequent addition of immunoglobulins from other sources is not advised for the reasons mentioned.

Can I eat more because bovine colostrum stimulates fat burning?2022-06-30T11:41:41+01:00

No, because even bovine colostrum cannot melt body fat without exercise – however, the ingredients do lead to increased fat burning during physical exertion or sport. Bovine colostrum can also support fasting regimes by preventing diet-related deficiencies with its balanced combination of nutrients.

Won’t my immune system become sluggish if I give my body bovine colostrum?2022-06-30T11:41:45+01:00

No, even when bovine colostrum is taken over the long term, no restriction of the body’s immune functions has been observed so far.

Is it true bovine colostrum also promotes the growth of cancer cells?2022-06-30T11:41:50+01:00

Bovine colostrum supports the immune system and the body’s natural powers of healing. In a study conducted by the University of Cologne with corresponding cell cultures, no promotion of tumour cell growth was found. The primary reason behind this is the complex of relevant transfer factors in bovine colostrum.

Is bovine colostrum also suitable for competitive athletes?2022-06-30T11:41:55+01:00

Yes, competitive athletes in particular can take advantage of the positive properties that bovine colostrum has on the body’s ability to regenerate cells. The growth factors stimulate cell growth, accelerate the repair of aged or injured muscles, as well as skin, bone and cartilage. These growth factors also stimulate fat burning. Many competitive athletes rely on the performance-enhancing benefits of bovine colostrum – ideally from controlled organic animal husbandry.

I have neurodermatitis. Can bovine colostrum help with this?2022-06-30T11:41:58+01:00

Yes, bovine colostrum can have a positive influence on the symptoms of neurodermatitis, as immunological factors also play a major role in this clinical picture. And this is where bovine colostrum comes in – since it modulates the excessive immune reaction that triggers the neurodermatitis symptoms. Additionally, it can help speed up the healing of inflamed skin areas. In the case of neurodermatitis, internal and external application complement each other.

Can bovine colostrum cause initial aggravation?2022-06-30T11:42:03+01:00

As with many natural remedies, such as therapeutic fasting, a so-called healing crisis occurs in rare cases during the first few days of use, i.e. an initial worsening of symptoms, some of which are undesirable. This phenomenon can also occur with bovine colostrum, however, it is known from practical experience that after stopping the intake for one to two days and then consuming bovine colostrum again, no more symptoms occur.

Can bovine colostrum also help me with a torn muscle fibre?2022-06-30T11:42:08+01:00

Yes, because the growth factors it contains promote regeneration and healing processes at the cellular level. Bovine olostrum has the highest concentration of the important growth factor IGF 1 found in nature. This growth factor ensures efficient nutrient uptake, cell proliferation and corresponding muscle growth.

Are there any side effects to taking bovine colostrum?2022-06-30T11:42:12+01:00

Side effects from taking bovine colostrum are not known. The ingredients of the first milk that are not needed are simply excreted by the body, as most of them are water-soluble.

How can bovine colostrum affect my concentration?2022-06-30T11:42:16+01:00

Bovine colostrum can have a supportive effect on concentration and mental performance, as it also serves to develop and stabilise brain functions in its function as an initial food. The ingredients also have a positive influence on the growth of nerve cells and on the central nervous system. This is how they also counteract stress and mental exhaustion.

I take a multivitamin tablet every morning. Isn’t that enough?2022-06-30T11:42:20+01:00

As indicated on the packaging of food supplements, they are not a substitute for a balanced diet. Vitamin/mineral tablets have their place, of course. The great advantage of colostrum, however, is the extensive nutrient complex that covers a large part of the vital substance spectrum and has been put together by nature in a unique way. The ingredients are essential for cell maintenance and the immune system.

What can bovine colostrum do for me?2022-06-30T11:42:24+01:00

As a natural food supplement, bovine colostrum can have a positive effect on numerous complaints that are dominated by the two major areas of “immune system” and “cell renewal” – from infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi to the regeneration of skin, muscles or nerve cells and metabolic processes. This is why people take bovine colostrum to increase the general well-being and the physical or mental performance, or to have a supporting or therapy-accompanying effect in various indications.

How exactly does bovine colostrum work?2022-06-30T11:42:31+01:00

The balanced nutrient mix that consists of immunoglobulins (antibodies), growth factors, vitamins, amino acids, lactoferrin and much more has a wealth of positive effects thanks to its diverse composition. The immune system is modulated in a harmonising way and cell growth is stimulated, so that various regeneration and repair processes are also effectively accelerated in humans.

How is colostrum taken?

What should be considered when taking colostrum in liquid or capsule form, we have summarised in the following answers.

Is bovine colostrum also sustainable in the long term?2022-06-30T11:42:35+01:00

Yes, bovine colostrum is of course approved as a foodstuff and is therefore also excellently suited for regular consumption over a longer period of time.

Can I also take bovine colostrum when I am older?2022-06-30T11:42:40+01:00

Yes, of course, bovine colostrum is particularly suitable for older people, because the mix of vital substances it contains offers an optimal supplement to the daily diet, which is generally no longer fully metabolised in old age. The body benefits from the valuable immunoglobulins, growth factors, vitamins, etc., which are present in the natural product bovine colostrum in a uniquely effective form and can no longer be produced by the body to the same extent in old age.

Can bovine colostrum also be taken during pregnancy?2022-06-30T11:39:10+01:00

Yes, there are no contra-indications to taking bovine colostrum during pregnancy. Bovine colostrum has been found to have a positive effect on pregnant women again and again, especially in counteracting numerous infections.

Can I take bovine colostrum even if I am lactose intolerant?2022-06-30T11:39:14+01:00

Yes, but only if the lactose in the corresponding bovine colostrum products has been reduced or almost completely removed beforehand. This is why experts primarily recommend the liquid dosage form for lactose intolerance. That being said, the tolerance should be tested in small quantities at the beginning.

Can bovine colostrum also be used for diabetes?2022-06-30T11:39:19+01:00

Yes, because there is nothing to suggest otherwise, but there’s a lot in favour of taking bovine colostrum for type 2 diabetes. Bovine colostrum can lower blood sugar levels and naturally regulate blood values such as cholesterol, triglycerides or ketones. Energy is produced with bovine colostrum as a pure food supplement for increased fat burning instead of relying on the body’s own muscle tissue. Wound healing, which is often slow or limited in diabetes, and the general ability to regenerate cells are also positively influenced by taking bovine colostrum. Cell renewal, cell structure and the body’s resilience are also increased, thereby reducing diabetes-related consequential damage. However, when taking colostrum, blood glucose levels should be monitored during the first few days and insulin intake adjusted accordingly, as colostrum can lead to improved insulin uptake.

Is bovine colostrum also suitable for children?2022-06-30T11:39:23+01:00

Yes, of course bovine colostrum is also very suitable for children and adolescents. How much bovine colostrum children should take depends on their body weight. Here, quality should be in the foreground – 100 percent pure bovine colostrum from controlled organic animal husbandry is the best choice.

How is colostrum processed?

The most important questions about the extraction and gentle processing of bovine colostrum are answered in detail here.

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